Ep 080 : Dr. Dawn Graham

The Job Seeking Czar

Released on 11-18-2020 | Listen on PODBEAN


Dr. Dawn Graham

The Job Seeking Czar

Dr. Dawn Graham is a career switch coach, TEDx Speaker, LinkedIn Learning Instructor and Host of the popular call-in show “Dr. Dawn on Careers” on SiriusXM Radio (channel 132).

She is also a regular contributor to Forbes.com under the leadership channel, and the Career Director for the Executive MBA Program at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Her latest book Switchers: How Smart Professionals Change Careers and Seize Success combines her experience as a Career Coach, Licensed Psychologist, and former Corporate Recruiter to give career switchers the strategies to break through obstacles and land the job they want.

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Please note:This transcription was generated using speech recognition software and may display inaccuracies.