Ep 055 : Shaun Snyder

Being Prepared for What You Didn’t Think Of

Released on 06-08-2021 | Listen on PODBEAN


Shaun Snyder

Being Prepared for What You Didn’t Think Of

Shaun Snyder is a Certified Employee Benefits Specialist (CEBS) with over seventeen years of benefits and human resources experience.

He has strong expertise in self-funded health plans and plan administration. He currently holds the designation of ISCEBS Fellow and is the Past President of the Georgia Chapter for ISCEBS. He also holds the SPHR designation.

More from Shaun…

Being prepared for the unknown kind of sounds like an impossible task. But when Shaun looks to the future, he thinks of the needs of his organization and his people and then looks for future solutions.

“…That’s where you got to get into that strategic mindset of where do you need to be? What is your population need? You can start thinking of those things. Start understanding what they get and what you’re missing. So, when the opportunities show up, you aren’t just figuring it out then.

When somebody comes and says– I think it was either a Far Side cartoon or something. They use it all the time in management, which is two people trying to change a square wheel on a cart. And somebody’s like, “Hey, let’s build a circular wheel” and they said, “Not now. We’re too busy changing this wheel. It’s square.”

That’s where you need to be. You need to know that this is an inefficient model and while there might not be a solution for this square wheel all right now, there is going to eventually be something else. So, when that wheel shows up that’s round, you go, “That’s what I’ve been looking for! That’s what I’ve been looking for last two years.”

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