How to Determine If You’re an Amateur or Professional Networker

Life is definitely like a game! And the level you choose to play on – and whether you consider yourself an amateur or a professional at it – helps decide a winning outcome.

This is especially true for athletes. Amateur players are compensated differently from professionals, and the incentives and rewards certainly vary – all of which has a bearing on their mentality and how they play the game. And this affects their performance. When you go into something with a specific outlook and expectations, then that’s what you will get out of it!

I want to share my thoughts on an article I read by Shane Parrish who runs Farnam Street. If you’re not aware of him or his blog, then you need to be! In this particular feature he addresses The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals, and how the biggest distinction between the two is all about your mindset.

While this can be applied to athletes – and many other things in life – I believe which category you fall into also helps define your approach to networking and building impactful relationships. Here’s how to determine if you’re an amateur or professional networker.

Amateur vs. Professional: What Kind of Networker Are You?

Cultivating a networking mindset that is focused on building positive relations with others will help you achieve just that. And it makes a difference whether you go into it as an amateur…or a professional.

Let’s look at it this way: an amateur networker only thinks about themselves and what’s in it for them, while professionals consider the value they can provide for others. When you see yourself as a professional, you raise your chances of being successful. This is demonstrated by the expertise of elite networkers who are super-connectors and those with an influential sphere of influence. They are always looking for how “to give”, and the best way to bridge meaningful connections between others.

Amateurs won’t bother to follow up after meeting a new contact at a networking event, even if they promised to do so. You must always follow through on following up! A professional always does, and I can’t stress this enough. From writing a personal thank you note to delivering – or not delivering – on what you promised, your networking game level will show based on your actions.

Shane states, “Amateurs think knowledge is their power. Professionals pass on wisdom and advice.” This can be compared to a mentorship relationship. A mentor is a professional who offers their advice and guidance to an amateur networker. Having a mentor is extremely beneficial, and something you should take advantage of! Doing so ups your game, bringing you closer to a winning position.

Shane also writes: “Amateurs focus on the short term. Professionals focus on the long term.” When you’re an amateur networker, you tend to put emphasis on what you can immediately attain. But a professional networker will put more effort into fostering a relationship that will be long-lasting, with the understanding that more will be gained when it’s built upon a strong foundation.

So, after considering the above…which category do you fall under?

Only You Can Make the Choice

Your choices help determine if you’re an amateur or professional networker. It really is up to you! Your mindset is what defines and controls the outcomes of your life…and this is the basis for developing world-class relationships.

Of course, more effort goes into being a professional networker. But I promise you that the time spent doing so – and the positive results you will achieve – are priceless!