Adding Value to your Organization with LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an excellent media tool that you should take advantage of. It allows you to connect in a professional manner with colleagues and prospective clients and can definitely be worthy to your organization.

I find it easy to use and try to take advantage of its functionality as much as possible. It’s valuable when sharing content such as blog articles we’ve written or podcasts we’ve done where you can see the impact it has when people like, share, and comment. It also affords a great way to show gratitude toward others when you share their articles and updates—it allows the opportunity for you to publicly endorse people within your own network and hopefully create relationships between others. As the infamous Will Rogers said: “Get someone to blow your horn and the sound will carry twice as far.”

It can also serve as free advertising as you share your branding and message with people who are genuinely interested and can be potential customers. The news feed is excellent because it helps you stay abreast of what’s going with your connections and their businesses. Overall, it’s a great way to promote your organization, and others, through social proof.

Make it a great day and remember to always NetWorkWise