Find a Mentor Through Your Networks (Part 4): 13 Tips for a Successful Partnership

Setting goals and managing expectations are key for a mentorship to work. Follow these tips to learn how to be an ideal mentee so you can attract ideal mentors!

Find a Mentor Through Your Networks (Part 3): The Right Way to Invite Someone

A mentorship can be extremely beneficial, especially for your career. How do you invite someone to be your mentor? Here’s the right way to do it.

Find a Mentor Through Your Networks (Part 2): What to Consider When Choosing Yours

What makes a great mentor contender? There are various factors to consider when making your decision. Here’s what to think about when selecting an ideal mentor for you.

Find a Mentor Through Your Networks (Part 1): 9 Benefits of Having One

Sometimes you don’t realize the value you offer, and it takes the coaching of a mentor to recognize your potential. This is just one benefit of deciding to partner with one, and here are nine more.