What is a Mastermind Group? (And Why You Must Join One)

Made famous by Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich, mastermind groups have existed in various forms for centuries.

What is a mastermind group?

In short, a mastermind group is made up of a small number of like-minded people who are smart and driven, and they meet on a regular cadence—could be weekly, monthly, or even quarterly—to generate ideas, share networks, and lead each other through challenges. It provides distinctive networking opportunities and peer-to-peer mentoring that act as catalysts for growth, support, and accountability.

Essentially, members of these groups encourage and inspire one another through their collective intelligence and resources, and of course through the value each person provides. It’s also been found that individuals who participate in mastermind groups are generally higher achievers, make more money, have more confidence, and also just tend to be happier and healthier overall.

“If you find you are weak in persistence, surround yourself with a Mastermind Group.”

Napoleon Hill

Why must you join one?

There are a variety of reasons to join a mastermind group.

Combining forces and making connections with the right people empowers you to be more successful and motivated. Members work together on a shared focus to develop effective solutions and ideas that are better than what can be achieved by one individual. It’s important to invest in the success of others, because when someone within your networks prospers you most likely will, too!

Being a member of one offers many advantages including: 

  • Access to an exclusive community filled with elite mentoring and advice. A mastermind group is effectively your own Personal Board of Mentors. When you join one, you’re immediately connected with other winners who offer different perspectives (typically successful ones) and bring highly valued viewpoints to the table. You’re also amongst people who will challenge you and get you to raise your game.
  • Potential business and job opportunities. Surround yourself with those that you like and trust and that’s where the magic happens. Trust is huge! And it’s a big reason—if not one of the biggest—that others hire you or ultimately do business with you.
  • Empowerment in setting and achieving goals. The members of your mastermind group will help you be accountable for your actions and assist you in setting realistic goals. Accountability plays a large role in many facets of life, especially in relationship-building, and collaborating directly with your peers on what you need to be responsible for helps you reach your objectives sooner and quicker.
  • Idea generation and brainstorming. It’s a great place for you to ask questions and contribute your own thoughts and ideas. You will be ahead of the game when it comes to the latest trends, ideas, and technology that’s out there. It also increases your knowledge of what’s currently out there and NOT WORKING–which is also just as important.
  • Opportunities to think bigger. Typically, members of mastermind groups have more of an abundance vs scarcity mindset. They are thinking bigger and find challenges as opportunities as opposed to roadblocks. This stimulates and motivates members to always find ways to make things happen.
  • An ideal support system. Other members genuinely have your back and will seek out opportunities to help you advance your career, business, or whatever endeavor you are looking to achieve. Given the specialized knowledge that is presented within the group, the possibilities are endless.
  • Enhanced networks and access to new networks. When you surround yourself with this caliber of a community and get the opportunity to build world-class relationships with those of this caliber, you (by default) get access to their connections and networks. And their networks are typically just as good—if not better—than yours.
  • It can be fun! When you associate with other people that share a lot of the same values and attributes that you do it helps you to feel psychologically safe. You tend to open up more when you’re around other individuals that you genuinely like and respect. And this encourages you to be more of yourself, which leads you to let your guard down, and just have fun!

You need your networks now, more than ever. And a great way to enhance yours is to join a mastermind group. It’s the perfect opportunity to collaborate and network with peers and learn directly from them, and it’s a great way to share your knowledge and teach others, as well.

“Your life is a direct reflection of the expectations of your peer group.”

Tony Robbins

When you surround yourself with successful and dedicated individuals this helps mold you and influence you to achieve goals and become a better person. And when you continuously seek ways for self-improvement and develop the right relationships with the right people, you increase your value and bring your networks to another level.