Networking Tips for Ambiverts

Do you know what an ambivert is?

Sometimes they’re called centroverts. These are individuals who fall in between being an introvert and extrovert.

Their personality displays a great balance between the two, which can offer an advantage. They’re good at connecting with others as they’re able to adapt well to different situations and the people around them. I’m sure this sounds like someone you know! Or maybe it even describes you.

What are some networking tips for ambiverts that will help build meaningful relationships? Here are a few things to consider.

Determine your value

When you know your value and understand how worthy you are to others, you increase your self-awareness. You are also able to communicate more effectively and confidently. Ambiverts tend to connect easily with a wider variety of people. And this offers the potential to make more sales and improve a company’s bottom line. For more on this download our value assessment guide to help you determine how beneficial your skills and experience can be to others.

Evaluate your contacts

Assess your connections and all the different networks you’re a part of. It can be your friends, family, colleagues, but also your clients and vendors. They all comprise your spheres of influence. Once you identify your networks, then focus on developing deeper relationships with people that you already know you enjoy meeting with — and build on it from there.

Know your strengths

It’s important to understand how you personally network best. Do you prefer one-on-one lunch meetings or dinner with many people? Do you like going to large-sized events or small group gatherings? As an ambivert, it could depend on your mood or the environment. When you know the setting that best suits you, then look for these types of networking opportunities and play to your strengths.

Be comfortable

Whether you signed up to attend an event with lots of people or you have chosen to go to a meetup with just a few involved, be sure you are comfortable with your decision. This will motivate you to be in the right mindset and ready to make connections. Getting prepared ahead of time also helps! Develop and practice your elevator pitch and do some research on the other attendees ahead of time to boost your chances of creating rapport with others.

Learn more about networking

Discover more tips and advice on the best ways to network as an ambivert by enrolling in our certification course! This online training offers tools and resources to help you determine and cater to these strengths to help you be a better networker. And once complete you receive credentials indicating you are a NetWorkWise Certified Professional (NWW-CP)!

An ambivert has found a balance between introversion and extroversion. It’s good to know how to play to this ability! And when you build on it to create meaningful relationships, you’re on the right path to networking success.

See original post on Quora