You Won’t Gain Powerful Connections Without This

When you develop robust networks you will see great improvements in your life—both professionally and personally.

But there is something you definitely need when you are building relationships otherwise you won’t gain powerful connections.

What is it? I’m talking about commitment.

You need to have a sincere commitment to networking. You have to want to connect with influential individuals who have the potential to not only make an impact on you but on your spheres of influence as well. To make this happen you must be:

  • Committed to the proper mindset: It really is all in your mind! How you approach cultivating your networks will determine what you get out of it. When you adopt the right networking mindset, you’ll see positive results, and you’ll notice more opportunities to create powerful connections come your way.
  • Committed to providing value: Once you determine your worth and what you can offer to others, you’re able to create the foundation for long term associations. It’s not just about what you’ll get out of the relationship, it’s more about the benefits you can provide and deliver to those in your networks.
  • Committed to having good intent: There should be a purpose behind wanting to make powerful connections, and it’s not just about increasing your number of contacts on LinkedIn. Do you need help with a work project? Are you looking for a job or trying to advance your career? Interested in partnering with a mentor? When your intentions are right, doors will open for you.
  • Committed to nurturing relationships: Building your networks is not a one and done act. Always be ready to play the long game! This isn’t transactional. Once the connection is made you must nurture and develop it. Don’t reach out only when you need something; be consistent in staying connected, even if it’s just a simple text message once in a while to say, “thinking of you!”
  • Committed to putting in the time: Your network won’t build itself; you need to dedicate time every day to it. Even just a half-hour makes a difference. And when you do this daily it will become a habit for you. You should make a point to set aside a period where you only focus on networking, and nothing else.

“Motivation is what gets you started. Commitment is what keeps you going.”

Jim Rohn

As you’re looking to make powerful connections ask good questions and be present in the moment; demonstrate good listening skills and show that you really care about the relationship by offering a mutual benefit that’s valuable to each of you.

When you are dedicated to accomplishing your goals great things will happen. And when you commit to bringing your networks to another level it will have a great impact on you, and those around you!

Become a NetWorkWise Certified Professional (NWW-CP)

Learning how to gain powerful connections is something we cover extensively in our certification course. If you’re searching for a job or looking to build substantial business contacts, or want to improve your relationships with colleagues and clients or other like-minded individuals, then you need to enroll in our certification program!

Through self-paced micro-courses, downloadable resources, quiz questions and action steps focused on practical networking strategies and techniques, you gain an understanding of the right way to establish superior relationship-building habits that enable you to cultivate and nurture connections that empower your success.

Once complete, you receive credentials validating you as an expert in creating world-class relationships. Sign up today and become a NetWorkWise Certified Professional (NWW-CP)! You will soon see the rewards of fostering long-lasting and meaningful connections that offer mutual value and significant benefits.

This article originally appeared on Quora.