Who Your Super-Connectors Are in Your Network (Part 2)

Best-selling writer and entrepreneur Lewis Howes said: “One of the most powerful networking practices is to provide immediate value to a new connection. This means the moment you identify a way to help someone, take action.”

You know who does this really well? Super-connectors.

These superior networkers are skilled at quickly realizing what your needs are and identifying where they can be valuable. They have a high-quality network of connections they can call on at any time to provide help.

Super-connectors seek opportunities to not just build bridges…but also to maintain its infrastructure, fill gaps where needed, and offer improvements to them. It’s imperative to recognize who these elite networkers are and their importance.

They’re very influential and extremely valuable in your circle of influence. And as previously mentioned they can be a Chief Executive Officer or hold other seemingly-obvious roles in recruiting or public relations where they get paid to connect people…but they’re in many other jobs too. You probably don’t realize how many elite networkers you know! They’re also event planners and venue managers, a rabbi or nun, café owners – and bartenders at your favorite pub.

Which is good…because we don’t all necessarily have opportunities to meet super-connectors at fancy business dinners at Tavern on the Green. It’s nice knowing that talking with the owner of my favorite restaurant after work one night could make the best connection of my life!

Where else do they work?

Your hair stylist, nail technician, or barber is an excellent example of a super-connector. How many people remain silent and tight-lipped while sitting in that chair? You almost feel compelled to speak with them. And think about it…you’re usually in a pretty good mood when getting things done for yourself, which possibly makes the conversation revealing.

Think of all that’s going on around you in the salon as well. It’s hard not to hear the person next to you giving away a secret or a bit of gossip. All this helps your hair dresser discover the needs of different individuals and gives them opportunity to identify where they can provide valuable connections.

Book authors, reporters, police detectives and private investigators are super-connectors. They build powerful connections with people they can consistently reach out to for results when conducting research and need assistance to get their answers. They naturally gain the trust of others and easily nurture relationships with other connectors. And they will offer something in return, and ask, “And how can I help you?”

Real estate and insurance agents, hotel concierges, account executives, retail workers and those in other sales-related positions are elite networkers. And so are lawyers and judges, principals and teachers and coaches…and so on. The list is actually quite long!

A smart man knows everything. A wise one, everybody.

Networking doesn’t feel like a job to super-connectors…it’s a way of life. And they’re really good at it.

It’s about opportunity. And possibilities. Super-connectors are superior networkers who are skilled at identifying where there is a need between two people (or groups) …and know just how to bring them together to reach a common goal.

They are the networking elite who are genuinely interested in actively creating friendships and fostering relationships and are constantly building their network. They’re always in the right mindset to recognize a potential chance to make a valuable connection.

Super-connectors don’t ask, “Is there anyone you know that can help?”

Instead they ask, “Who do you know that can help?”

See the difference?

NetWorkWise Top Tip: Get to know your super-connectors! Do some research on what you have in common and don’t be shy in reaching out to offer something of value to them.