Don’t Forget These 5 Things When Networking

Many don’t realize this, but networking is a learned skill.

You must take the time to learn the right way to build the right relationships. Anyone can do it! And knowing how to make meaningful connections puts you on the right path to success, both personally and professionally.

But when powering up your networks there are a few factors you should not ignore.

Here are five things most people forget about when networking. Don’t make the mistake of overlooking them! Or it may result in a less rewarding experience.

#1: Forgetting What Networking Really Is

First and foremost, people tend to forget what networking really is. I like to think of it as:

  • It’s a proactive approach to relationship development with the ultimate goal of creating significant connections;
  • It’s about determining your value and how you and your contacts can benefit each other;
  • It’s about facilitating introductions between people who can profit from meeting.

Many don’t consider value to play a large role, but it’s the biggest part of forming connections! When you realize the worth your skills and experience can provide to those in your spheres of influence it makes a big difference. You must “give to get” – and offer what you can to others.

#2: Forgetting to Make It a Lifestyle

I can’t say this enough: forging relationships is not something you only do when searching for a job! It’s a consistent action you must take – and practice – in order for it to be beneficial.

You shouldn’t just reach out to those in your networks when you need something. Do you know what happens? Nothing. Well, maybe something happens, but it’s not what you expected. Because you must continually nurture your relationships on a regular basis to encourage something valuable to come from it.

The time is now to make building relationships a habit and include it as part of your routine. If not today, when?

“Dig your well before you’re thirsty.”

Harvey Mackay

#3: Forgetting to Have a Networking Mindset

You must get in the right mindset and nurture relationships with the expectation that you will create foundations for true connections. Otherwise, you’ll simply get out what you put into it.

How you approach networking determines the opportunities you are given. Do you think it’s something dirty? Or that nothing gets accomplished by doing it? Then guess what… that’s what you’ll get.

Shift your mindset, and you’ll change your life.

Shift your mindset, and you’ll change your life.

#4: Forgetting to Have an Elevator Pitch

How does your elevator pitch sound? Do you have one? You need to prepare and fine-tune it, depending on the situation. You’ll most likely have a different version for a job interview than when speaking with a potential client. In fact, you should.

Don’t forget to develop yours ahead of time. And then practice it to make sure the message you’re trying to deliver comes across as you would like. You should also arm yourself with effective conversation starters and understand the power of small talk. When you’re in the correct mindset and get prepped for a worthwhile discussion, it will happen.

#5: Forgetting to Follow Up

Many forget to follow through on the follow up.

Send a personalized thank you note after your job interview. If you promised a colleague to set up a meeting over coffee, then do it! Or if you said you’d introduce two people from your networks who you know will benefit by meeting, then you must facilitate it.

So many overlook this. But ensuring that you follow through on your actions puts you on a different level from others. And makes an impressionable impact on your connections.

There’s a lot that people tend to forget when networking! But if you take the time to truly understand what it’s really about, it will develop into a habit and become second nature. And you will fast-track your path to success – and toward reaching your goals.

See original post on Quora