How Do You Network with Really Successful People?

Remember that “people are people” – and we all put our pants on one leg a time!

The principles of building relationships remain constant. No matter who you’re connecting with and how successful they are, you must always be in the right mindset, offer value to them as well, and show sincerity and appreciation. You must also consider time is a factor… nothing happens overnight, and meaningful connections – no matter who it is with – takes time to develop.

With that said, when looking to create associations with those who have achieved certain goals and successfully inspire others, you shouldn’t be shy in letting them know how they influenced you. Be candid when communicating! Believe me, this will make a difference. For example, send a note with a message along the lines of:

“I’m impressed with what you’ve accomplished! I’d like to have an opportunity to learn more about your background and the steps you’ve taken to get to where you are today. I’m hoping to walk away with some takeaways I can put into action! I’d also like to learn of any ways that I may be of help to you. Thank you in advance!”

Knowing how to effectively network with individuals who are successful is an asset to producing a robust network. You can check out my article 7 Important Steps to Networking Successfully to learn more!

But you know what else is important? Understanding what NOT to do when networking. You’ll find advice about this here: The 8 Most Common Ways People Fail at Networking.

You must be ready to give to get! If you’re committed to playing the long game, then you’re on your way to getting a win, which is building connections in your network with successful people.

This post originally appeared on Quora