What Makes Golf Such a Good Venue for Networking?

Golf most likely goes down in the networking hall of fame as the best possible to sport to network, close deals and do business.

There are numerous reasons that make golf such a opportune venue.

Below are just a few:

  • It’s a social sport where you are teamed up with at least 1 person, most likely 3 others (a foursome).
  • It’s a relaxed environment. Golf courses tend to be beautiful, relaxing places where people can feel comfortable and let their hair out a bit. Conversations tend to be more free flowing when people are in good moods and in serene settings.
  • You are spending anywhere from 2-4 intimate hours with your partner or with your foursome.
  • Because it’s not a high intensity sport, most people spend this time socializing and interacting, affording everyone a lot of time to really get to know each other.
  • Often times after a game of golf either a dinner or drink is customary at the clubhouse AKA the 19th hole. This is just another extension of the day and opportunity to strengthen the relationship.

If you are looking to really get to know someone, spend some quality time with them and enhance your relationship skills then I would encourage you to get to your closest driving range soon…

This post originally appeared on Quora